Our transformational success coaches in print:
How To Trust Your Intuition & Discover Your Purpose | I Am & Co
Excerpt: Hope’s perspective fit right in within my newfound focus on self-awareness. To dive even further into self-awareness, I spoke with transformational success coach, Natalie Stoner, who explained that “Self-awareness and clarity about the factors impacting decision making is the key to having the confidence to trust your intuition. This means getting familiar with your core values, beliefs, motivations, and desires.”
How to Forget About Someone You Hate [19 Powerful Tips] | UpJourney
Excerpt: This is going to sound cliché, but I always say clichés exist for a reason. Love is the antidote to hate. In a situation where persistent thoughts about another person are negatively impacting your life, the very best way to refocus and get your mind off of them and instead focus on yourself.
Honestly looking inward is a great first step, taking responsibility for any part of the situation you caused can ease the sting of hatred pretty quickly. If that doesn’t do the trick, I suggest the following process. Continue reading
I’m Not Good at Anything. What Should I Do? [20+ Great Tips] | UpJourney
Excerpt: Put aside value judgments and consider what you’re passionate and enthusiastic about. Enthusiasm can fast-track you to performance mastery. There are opposing views on passion. The first suggests that passion is gifted to us. It accompanies certain activities that give so much enjoyment, doing them generates more energy than it uses up and we lose time when engaged in them.
The other view of passion is that we should be able to generate it for whatever activity we’re doing. In this view, we’re urged to be present with everything understanding that sincere commitment leads to enthusiasm. Both of these forms of passion work in much the same way. The former can teach us how to create (and recognize) the latter.
Bottom line, one path to passion is a gift and the other is a practice, but passion is passion no matter where it comes from. Continue reading